Customer: Sigalarm Inc.
Product: Legacy Sigalarm Standard Control Module
Industry: Construction
Project: Intellitec was approached by Sigalarm in 2010 to contract manufacture their proximity alarms.
Background: Sigalarm’s proximity alarm is a legacy product originally created in 1962. With minimal changes to its build, the alarm is still used to warn construction crews when their equipment is close to power lines. The proximity alarms were originally manufactured in Rockledge when the owner shut the doors to the production facility unexpectedly, leaving Sigalarm in search of someone to build their proximity alarms. Sigalarm also lost the schematics for the proximity alarm when their manufacturer shut down. Without a product or plans, Sigalarm turned to Intellitec to assist in manufacturing their product.
Challenges: With no schematics to reference, our contract manufacturing team at Intellitec had to recreate the build using similar components while not allowing for any changes to the design, with keeping the same functionality as the final production.
Solution: Before we were able to build the unit, Intellitec’s engineers, support staff, purchasing manager and warehouse manager spent many hours deconstructing the sample, taking notes, measurements, component searches, and sourcing new suppliers. After months of work, Intellitec was successful in rebuilding Sigalarm’s proximity alarm while keeping the same functionality as the original. Over time, we were able to recommend cost and time saving ideas for Sigalarm to assist the manufacturing of the legacy unit.
For more information about Intellitec’s manufacturing capabilities, head over to the Contact Page and send us a message.